Home Learning 18.5.20

Hello Year 1,

I hope you are all well. This week I have been trying to find new quiet places to walk with my family.  We also took a lovely stroll through Eastville park and around the pond where we saw some ducklings.

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and the theme is Kindness.  

  • Think of 3 ways that you could be kind to someone else.

Mental Health Awareness Week 2020

Here is this weeks work, I would love for you to email me year1.cabot@bristol-schools.uk  and tell me what work you have been doing this week and what you have been enjoying.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Enjoy your week 
Miss Thompson :)

Monday 18th May

Read the igh, ie, i_e, y story - Ned the Knight

Phonic and English - Information text writing.

Watch the video and follow the instructions for the phonics and English lesson. 
Tyrannosaurus Cartoon Illustration Cute Dinosaurs - Dinosaur T Rex ...

Maths - Summer Term - Week 1 (w/c 20th April)

Lesson 1 - Make doubles
  1. Watch the video.
  2. Complete the 'get the activity' sheet either in your home learning book or on a printed sheet.
  3. Parents, mark your child's work using the answer sheet. 

Tuesday 19th May

Read the same story (Ned the Knight) as yesterday or finish it, if you did not manage to yesterday and then write down all the long i words.
Long i word sort by Kelli's Kreations | Teachers Pay Teachers

Phonics and English 

  1. Watch the video.
  2. Complete the 'get the activity' sheet either in your home learning book or on a printed sheet.
  3. Parents, mark your child's work using the answer sheet. 

Wednesday 20th May

As a school we have signed up to Active Learn, a reading website that has colour books like in school.  I have allocated books for each child.

Phonic and English 

  1. Watch the video.
  2. Complete the 'get the activity' sheet either in your home learning book or on a printed sheet.
  3. Parents, mark your child's work using the answer sheet. 

Thursday 21st May 

Wb 18/5/20 Miss Davies’ performance poetry family task
Work together to learn and perform this poem.
Something comes by Valerie Bloom
Something’s coming, but what is it?
Something comes.

Over the mountain
like thunder of drums,
shaking the leaves from trees.
Something comes.

Down through the valley,
with a bellow of bombs
alarming the cows and sheep.
Something comes.

Up through the forest
the frightened air hums
for tearing it in pieces
something comes.

Coming up the driveway
with a noise that numbs
crumpling the paving stones.

More reading

How to access free Collins Big Cat ebooks
Go to Collins Connect and click on the Teacher portal and enter: 
Username: parents@harpercollins.co.uk
Password: Parents20! 

and click Login. 

Phonics and English

  1. Watch the video.
  2. Complete the 'get the activity' sheet either in your home learning book or on a printed sheet.
  3. Parents, mark your child's work using the answer sheet. 

Friday 22nd May

Phonics - Phonics play

Practice a phase that is appropriate for you.

Follow the link to use this site for free;

    Phonics and English 

    1. Watch the video.
    2. Complete the 'get the activity' sheet either in your home learning book or on a printed sheet.
    3. Parents, mark your child's work using the answer sheet. 

    Other learning


    Create a piece of art work for the front of school. 

    PE - Get active. Can you...

    1. Go for a walk and find two different leaves/plant/flower?
    2. Make up a 3 step dance sequence and show to your family.
