Home learning 6.7.20

Good morning year 1!

I hope everyone is safe and well.  I thought that I would share some pictures of use at school so you can see what we have been up to.  We have been working hard in school and doing our best learning.

I look forward to hearing about your learning and what things you have been up to this week.
Send me an email year1.cabot@bristol-schools.uk and let me know what you have done.

Have a great week and take care,
Miss Thompson 😃

Monday 6th July

This week I would like you to focus on reading books from the Active Learn website.  Click on the link Active Learn - reading then log in.

Username - Your child's first name starting with a capital letter and the first letter of their surname (capital letter) here is an example LauraT
Password -  The default pass word is 'changeme'
School code - capr 

If you are unsure how to access Active Learn send me an email and I will explain in more detail.

Phonic - Tricky word
Read the tricky words and verbally put three into sentences.

This week for Literacy is Instruction writing 

Look at the power point - Recipe for play dough

Maths - Summer Term - Week 7 (8th June)

 Lesson 1 - Count in 2s

  1. Watch the video.
  2. Complete the 'get the activity' sheet either in your home learning book or on a printed sheet.

Parents, mark your child's work using the answer sheet.  If you would like the answer sheets please send me an email and I will send them to you. 

Tuesday 7th July

Continue reading with Active Learn


Using the instructions from the power point (see Monday English lesson) try and make some play dough.  It uses house hold ingredients.  We made  some in school today.  Its great fun!

  1. Watch the video.
  2. Complete the 'get the activity' sheet either in your home learning book or on a printed sheet.

Wednesday 8th July

Continue reading with Active Learn


English - Text map the recipe 
Read the recipe and instructions below then text map - draw pictures to represent the words.  The template is just a suggestion for how you could organise your pictures.

  1. Watch the video.
  2. Complete the 'get the activity' sheet either in your home learning book or on a printed sheet.
  3. Parents, mark your child's work using the answer sheet. 

Thursday 9th July



English - LO: To find adjectives.
Look back through the recipe and make a list of the time words and adjectives.  Can you think of 2 of your own adjectives that you could change in the text?  

Challenge yourself - Can you find any adverbs in the text?

  1. Watch the video.
  2. Complete the 'get the activity' sheet either in your home learning book or on a printed sheet.
  3. Parents, mark your child's work using the answer sheet. 

Friday 10th July

Phonics - Phonics play

Practice a phase that is appropriate for you.

Follow the link to use this site for free;

    English - LO To write instruction sentences. 

    Use the text map to write the instructions sentences.  Use time words (First, Next.. etc), adjectives and adverbs in you can.

    1. Complete the 'get the activity' sheet either in your home learning book or on a printed sheet.
    2. Parents, mark your child's work using the answer sheet. 

    Other learning

    I will leave copies of these sheets in the main entrance. 

    PE - Go and visit a park!
